
Far Cry 5 Game Preview

I sat front row while Dan Hay, the creative director for Far Cry 5, talked about visiting the place I grew up as if it was another planet. In addition, I guess it is. Montana, the setting for the next Far Cry, is one of the biggest states in the USA with one of the lowest populations. I remember when we broke a million – my dad texted me saying, ‘We’re big time now.’ Big is right. There’s so much empty space in Montana, it doesn’t always feel attached to the rest of the US – a perfect home for the strange. Montana is where the Church Universal and Triumphant started, a cult that performs eerie mantras to assure the stability of economies. Pinesdale is home to a Mormon sect that actively practices polygamy, just a short drive from Missoula, one of the more progressive cities in the state. In addition, in recent years Whitefish became the begrudging home to Richard Spencer, an oft-punched figurehead in the resurgence of neo-Nazi sentiment. Montana is an easy place for communities to mo
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